If you currently own or lease, or have previously owned or leased, a new or used Hino Motors vehicle in New Zealand with a diesel engine manufactured between 2010 and 2022, you are encouraged to register your interest in the investigation.
What is the Hino Motors Action Investigation about?
Shine Lawyers is investigating whether Hino Motors misreported engine performance data, specifically regarding durability, fuel efficiency, and emissions, for certain Hino diesel vehicles including Hino trucks.
We intend to allege that this misreporting was part of long-term misconduct by Hino Motors, Ltd headquartered in Japan.
Can I join the Hino Motors Action Investigation?
To register your interest in this action, you must currently own or lease, or have previously owned or leased, a new or used Hino Motors vehicle in New Zealand with a diesel engine manufactured between 2010 and 2022.
The models under investigation include both new and used vehicles from the Hino 300, Hino 500, and Hino 700 series, as well as used Hino Dutro and Hino Ranger models.
How to register your interest for the Hino Motors Action Investigation
To register your interest on a confidential, no-cost, no-obligation basis, please click the button below and fill out the form. If you have any questions, please contact us on 0800 450 130 or at [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I still register my interest if I do not own the Hino vehicle anymore?
Yes. You can still register your interest for the investigation if you sold the vehicle or if the vehicle was written off.
Can I still register my interest if I bought a used Hino truck?
Yes. You can still register your interest if you bought a used Hino truck.
How was the performance of Hino trucks allegedly misrepresented by Hino Motors?
It is alleged that Hino misreported the performance of their Hino diesel engine, more specifically in connection with durability, fuel efficiency and emissions.
Which Hino trucks are included in the investigation?
The Hino trucks included in Shine Lawyers’ action investigation are Hino trucks fitted with a diesel engine which were manufactured between 2010 and 2022. The relevant models are:
- New Hino 300, Hino 500 and Hino 700 series; and
- Used Hino 300, Hino 500 and Hino 700 series, Hino Dutro and Hino Ranger.
What is misleading or deceptive conduct?
Businesses must not mislead or deceive their customers about any of their products or services.
Who is Shine Lawyers’ action team
Shine Lawyers is a specialist litigation firm predominantly representing plaintiffs. Shine Lawyers’ associated company in Australia is one of the largest class action and plaintiff litigation firms in the Australian market. Hamish Davies, Special Counsel, under the guidance of Vicky Antzoulatos and Craig Allsopp, Joint Heads of Class Actions, will lead the Hino Action Investigation, with support from the experienced litigators, solicitors and support staff across New Zealand and Australia.
By registering with us, you are signing up to receive updates on our investigation into a potential class action regarding Hino Motors. Registering with us does not establish a solicitor client legal relationship with Shine Lawyers NZ. No court proceedings have been filed and we may ultimately after investigations have concluded decide not to proceed with the case. As we have not entered into a solicitor client retainer with you at this time any rights you may have are not presently protected. Statutory time limits may also apply to your claim. If you have any concerns about your potential claim, please seek independent legal advice immediately.