The consequences of negligence by your solicitor, accountant, architect, engineer, financial adviser, share broker, or any other professional can be catastrophic. When this happens, it’s easy for the client to feel disillusioned and powerless. Most of these professionals have insurance that covers their liability for negligence. These insurance companies have skilled lawyers who specialise in defending professional negligence claims. So, it can be difficult to take them on when they are armed with all the power.
Shine Lawyers can help
At Shine Lawyers NZ we have solicitors who specialise in these types of cases and have previously represented insurance companies that insure professionals. We know how they operate and we have the expertise and knowledge to take the insurance companies on. What’s more, as part of the Shine Group of lawyers, we have the backing and expertise of teams of experts in our Australian offices. We give the little person the power and resources to take on these cases.
Insurance claim denied? Contact us
If you are a professional whose insurance claim has been denied, we can help. You may be able to challenge the declinature or join the insurance company to the claim against you and force them to cover you. Insurance contracts can be complicated even for other professionals. We have the experience and expertise to provide you with independent advice on your professional negligence claim and your insurance company’s obligations. If you suffered from the consequences of negligence from a professional, you may be eligible for compensation, contact Shine Lawyers NZ today for a confidential, obligation-free consultation.
What is the legal process for Professional Negligence claims?
Shine Lawyers work closely with our clients to explain the legal process and help you to clearly understand your rights. While no two claims are the same, a general outline of the legal process is provided below.

Make contact

Initial legal consultation

Build your case and run your case

Case resolution

Case conclusion
Why choose Shine Lawyers?
We are here to help you right wrong.
Common Questions
How do you prove professional negligence?
To bring about a successful claim of professional negligence, you must be able to prove one of the following:
1. The professional owed you a duty of care;
2. The professional breached the duty of care that was owed to you;
3. As a result of the breach, you have suffered loss and/or damages.
Our team of legal experts will take the time to listen and understand your situation to devise the best course of action. From there, we can advise on the merit of your professional negligence claim and the next best steps.
Can you claim compensation for professional negligence?
Yes. Professionals should usually have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) that covers them for these types of claims.
In a successful claim, it’s typically the professional’s insurer who pays the compensation (depending upon the professional’s insurance policy). The amount of compensation you can claim will depend on the specific circumstances of your situation.
How long does a professional negligence claim take?
Every case is different, but our team will work hard to ensure your claim is finalised as soon as possible so you can move on and look to the future.
During your initial consultation, your lawyer will asses your case and be able to give you a better idea of time frames then.
To express your interest on a confidential, no-cost, no-obligation basis, or to ask any questions you may have, please contact us on 0800 744 63529 or [email protected].
Are there any Shine Lawyers near me?
We believe that everyone is entitled to the highest standard of legal advice and service, no matter where they’re located.
With branches in Auckland and Christchurch and obligation-free virtual appointments, location is no barrier when it comes to accessing Shine Lawyers’ legal advice and support. Our expert team will do everything they can to help you secure the resolution you deserve.
Our obligation-free virtual appointments mean that no matter where you’re located in New Zealand, there are always lawyers near. You have access to the same expert legal advice and the same level of quality and commitment.
Who is Shine Lawyers New Zealand's Professional Negligence Claims team?
Shine Lawyers’ Professional Negligence Claims team includes some of the firm’s most experienced solicitors and support staff. The team includes: